Best Places To Meet Girls In Kano & Dating Guide

Singles nightlife Kano pick up girls get laid

If you are looking for the best places to meet girls in Kano with a dating guide then welcome to WorldDatingGuides. In this post we will share a whole lot about where you can pick up single women as well as many great date night ideas to discuss.

Trying to hook up in the nightlife will be our starting point before transitioning to where you can meet single Kano girls during the best online dating site to use here. Local date night ideas and a wide variety of casual stuff to do throughout the day will also be mentioned towards the end.

Nightclubs & Pick Up Bars

This is our list of the best singles bars and nightclubs to pick up Kano girls:

The main area for singles nightlife can be found in Sabon Gari just South of the airport. Any guys that are visiting and that hope to hook up with Kano girls that they pick up at bars or clubs should try to stay in that part of town.

Don’t worry, we will have a local map with nightlife and date spots coming up soon to help you get a better understanding of the logistics. If this is your first time visiting Africa then you need to know that it is common for there to be freelance prostitutes at Kano bars or clubs.

You will find the same when trying to get laid in the Lagos nightlife, or in most cities around the continent where jobs are hard to come by.

Meet Kano Girls During The Day

Day game will probably not be very easy here, at least on the streets. They are so overcrowded, dirty, and chaotic that they really are not good places to try and pick up single Kano women.

Instead focus your efforts on meeting girls in your area at malls and shopping districts like:

  • Ummi Plaza
  • Shoprite
  • Sky Memorial Complex
  • Shy Shopping Plaza
  • Country Mall
  • Ado Bayero Mall
  • Sosai Shopping Complex
  • Kurmi Market

Chat With Girls Online

Girls near you Kano singles nightlife hook up bars

We aren’t afraid to say it: we aren’t really sure what a single guy is supposed to do these days. People are so anti-social right now and that really sucks for anyone that is interested in dating or hooking up in the near future.

Attractive women have always been hard to find, but now they are even harder. When you do see them out on the town when the sun is out they often have earbuds in, and at a nightclub they are probably in VIP or with a big group of their girlfriends that want nothing more than to keep you away.

All of us are feeling this, but giving up is certainly not the answer. The one positive out of all of this is that you can easily begin to meet girls near you online on dating sites at any time.

They are such a quick and efficient use of your time which is definitely one big positive that technology has brought us. The best dating site to meet single girls in Kano online is Afro Introductions, and it is the best resource a single guy could ask for in these modern times.

Who wants to put on their nicest clothes and wait in line for an hour to get into a club when the hottest local girls are going to be out of reach in VIP? It seems so much more practical to scroll through huge lists of dating site profiles and send messages to all the attractive women you see that suit your fancy.

If you really want to get in contact with a ton of girls in a short amount of time use Afro Introductions, and one thing you should never forget is that dating is a numbers game. The more you contact the more that will reply, and the more that reply the more you will be taking out on a date and hooking up with.

The internet and smart phones have made the dating scene weirder no doubt, but it at least it brought us online dating to get that awkward first step out of the way with as little resistance as possible.

Where to get laid in Kano hook up with girls online

Kano Dating Guide

We just fully covered the best ways to meet single girls near you and now it is time to pivot to our Kano dating guide. Those who hope to hook up better be on point during their date night.

Any of these romantic restaurants or cocktail bars could do the trick:

Day Date Ideas

Getting out to enjoy a sunny day is always advisable if you can. The zoological gardens can be a great way to see some animals and enjoy the great nature you find here.

Walking around Kurmi Market can usually lead you to some cool and casual sites. For some more sophistication on your date during the day try:

  • Gidan Makama Museum
  • Dala Hills
  • Emir’s Palace
  • Kano Wall

When you are ready to take a trip together go check out Benin or Port Harcourt.

Tips For Tourists & Expats

This section is mostly going to be about travel, but who knows it may also help you hook up with Kano girls while you are here. The local currency is the naira and you get about 1475 per US dollar as of our latest update though that fluctuates.

We mentioned it before but the best place to book a hotel would be just South of the airport in Sabon Gari. Being in the right part of town could play a big factor in whether you can get laid or not while here.

The last thing that we want to mention again real quick is that you shouldn’t be shocked if there are some freelance prostitutes at Kano bars and clubs. Prostitutes are often around the nightlife in foreign countries, if you walk into a bar and a bunch of sexy local women are staring at you in an obvious way there is a good chance many of them are hoping to be paid.

Enjoy Dating Kano Girls

OK guys, that is all of the info we have to share with you today. If you have any special tips or want to correct any out of date information here please go ahead and do so in the comments.

Many of those single women in your area on Afro Introductions are always ready to get laid, you just need to send them a message to get the ball rolling. That wraps up our best places to meet girls in Kano with our dating guide, enjoy your time here.

Hook up Kano women dating guide for men

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