Best Places To Meet Girls In Iquitos & Dating Guide

Singles nightlife Iquitos pick up girls get laid

If you are looking for the best places to meet girls in Iquitos with a dating guide then you have come to the right place. In no time we will inform you about where to pick up single women in your area and also some great spots for a date night.

We always like to begin with the nightlife because it is the easiest for mingling with new people and possibly hooking up. Next we will move on to meeting single Iquitos girls during the day and how you can use online dating sites to really improve your chances.

Local date night spots and things to do during the day will also be discussed. Towards the end of the post we will have some travel tips, even if you have a lot of experience with meeting women in Peru this city is unique enough you should stick around for them.

Nightclubs & Pick Up Bars

There aren’t a ton of places to party around town but here is a recent list of the best nightclubs and singles bars to pick up Iquitos girls:

The main area for singles nightlife is around the Plaza de Armas and along the Malecon. As you can see from the above list and the pick up and date night map we will be putting up most of the nightclubs and bars to try and find a one night stand are located in this area.

Definitely make it your home base if partying and hooking up are on the agenda. Girls in Iquitos aren’t used to seeing too many foreigners, they will definitely be giving you looks but that may not necessarily mean they are interested, more likely they are just trying to figure out why you are there.

Some will tell you that this is a really easy place to hook up with hot Latina girls in your area while others will tell you the opposite. The only way to know how it will play out for you is to give it a try.

With that said if all you care about is trying to get laid you will probably have more success picking up single ladies in Lima and there you won’t have to put up with a lot of the hassle that comes with visiting this city.

Meet Iquitos Girls During The Day

This is a pretty rough and tumble town that lacks many amenities you are probably used to. On top of that it is known to be like the wild west so it isn’t the safest place to spend a lot of time on the street.

There will be Iquitos women walking around near the Plaza de Armas and along the Malecon all throughout the day. How approachable they will be on the street might be another matter.

Another option would be to meet single girls near you at malls and shopping districts, but there aren’t many to choose from here:

  • Sacchachorro Mall
  • Centro Comercial Quispe
  • Mall Aventura

If there are other tourists around taking a trek into the Amazon maybe tag along if any of them are cute.

Chat With Girls Online

Girls near you Iquitos singles nightlife hook up bars

Any time you travel there will be some things working for you while others will not be in your favor. The main positive is that foreign men from another country can make single women in your area curious, some will want to date him and others may just want to hook up.

On the other end of the spectrum communication might be really hard. Plus when you are just getting to a new city and don’t know anyone it isn’t exactly easy to just jump into the game and make things happen.

This is especially true in a city like this where you will stand out like a sore thumb. Plus this town is so far behind the modern age that many guys reading this are going to feel out of their element.

But for the brave who do make the journey Latin American Cupid might just be able to help you out. This is the biggest dating site in Peru and will allow you to start to meet single girls in Iquitos before you ever get here.

You can chat to get to know them so that by the time you finally arrive they are excited to meet you. Latin American Cupid will have all types of women, most will want to enter a serious relationship but others will be on there just because they need to get laid.

Not only will this site help speed up the dating process here but it can also increase your chances of hooking up in any city you visit in this part of the world.

Where to get laid in Iquitos hook up with girls online

Iquitos Dating Guide

We just fully covered the best ways to meet single girls near you so let’s switch it over to our Iquitos dating guide. Getting one to go out with you is never a bad thing, but now you have to show her a good time on your date night.

Any of these romantic restaurants or cocktail bars should work pretty well:

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that many of the best spots for a date night in Iquitos are close to the main area for singles nightlife. After you have some dinner and drinks head over to one of the above listed nightclubs and dance the night away.

Day Date Ideas

There are two main reasons why foreigners visit this city. The first is to go on a tour of the Amazon, this could be just dipping your toes in the waters at one of the reserves or actually trekking deeper and deeper into the abyss.

The second option is probably not great for a day date, but who knows you may find a girl who is more adventurous than you expect. The second reason foreigners come here is to try ayahuasca, that psychedelic that Rogan brings up in half his podcasts.

If you are going to go that route definitely choose a shaman you trust, and you probably don’t want to try it with a girl you just met at a singles bar the night before. Money is hard to come by here, scams happen, and a gringo trippin his balls off is a pretty easy person to take advantage of.

So a better option for a date during the day would be to visit Quistococha Lagoon and Tourist Park which has an aquarium, zoo, and other things to do. You could also go swimming at Playa Nanay, or check out one of these museums:

  • Ayapua Boat Museum
  • Museum of Indigenous Amazonian Cultures

For some other cities in Peru to visit you could try to meet women in Arequipa, or Trujillo & Huanchaco are right next to each other and can be a lot of fun.

Tips For Tourists & Expats

We kind of covered this in that last section but you definitely need to be on your toes here. You will notice right from the start that this is a pretty lawless place, add in that everyone thinks all foreigners are rich and you can probably see where we are going here.

Don’t walk around after dark by yourself, stick to well-lit streets and get a hotel near the singles nightlife area around the Plaza de Armas, and don’t trust strangers. During the day expect many touts to approach you offering all sorts of things like trinkets, drugs, prostitutes, tuk tuk rides or who knows what.

Just say no thank you and keep heading on your way. The local currency is the sol and you get around 4 for every dollar, most things are very cheap here but there is definitely a tourist tax so you may need to negotiate.

If you want to get a taste of this type of culture without going to such an extreme Cusco gets more tourists, has better infrastructure, and makes for a much easier trip. As far as the hook up and dating culture here all guys will have different experiences.

Most of the women will probably be really conservative, but others will want to have a new experience and get laid with a gringo. Finding that type will take time, effort, and luck.

Knowing Spanish will definitely be a must, but they speak a bit of a different dialect here so it might take you awhile to get the hang of it.

Enjoy Dating Iquitos Girls

If you are reading through our travel guides for single men and looking for easy places to get laid this town probably shouldn’t qualify. Sure, not having other foreigners around will make you stand out which can be good, but is it really worth the effort?

There aren’t even roads leading here, that should go a long way to letting you know what this city is like. It is better for trekking into the jungle or taking ayahuasca than it is for trying to hook up with lots of ladies.

But if you are already here or on the way you might as well try, and in that case don’t forget about the single women near you on Latin American Cupid. That wraps up our best places to meet girls in Iquitos with our dating guide, enjoy your time here.

Hook up Iquitos women speed dating guide for men

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