Best Places To Meet Girls In Hanoi & Dating Guide

Singles nightlife Hanoi pick up girls get laid Old Quarter

If you are interested in the best places to meet girls in Hanoi and a dating guide then you are in luck. We have all the info you need to try and pick up single women in your area, and plenty of good date spots to take them as well.

Since this post is in English we are assuming most of the readers are going to be foreign men. Towards the end we will be including some travel tips for tourists and new expats which you definitely will want to stick around for.

Vietnam is not known to be an easy place to hook up with lots of sexy girls like many other countries in this region of the world. Single guys flock to cities like Bangkok or Manila which are known as very easy places to get laid and have the time of their life.

Then they may head over to this country thinking it will be the same and are in for a bit of a shock. You can hook up with Hanoi girls, but don’t expect it to be as easy here as we have written about in some of our other Asian dating guides.

We will start off with the best nightclubs and pick up bars you will find around town and tell you about the Beer Corner bar district where you can start your nights. Pretty much all of the local singles nightlife and touristy areas of this city are focused around Hoan Kiem Lake, particularly the Old Quarter and French Quarter.

Locate yourself in those areas if you want to party and try to get laid. They also are where many of the best spots for day game are, and we will be covering online dating which can be very beneficial if you do it the right way.

After we have talked about all of the best places and ways to meet girls here our dating guide will take over. Romantic restaurants, casual bars with live music, entertainment, and good outdoor activities will all be talked about. Then we will get into those local travel and dating tips for tourists or new expats.

Nightclubs & Pick Up Bars

Lets start with a list of the best singles bars and nightclubs to pick up Hanoi girls:

While we aren’t going to tell you that this is an easy city to hook up with local girls we will tell you that we do love the set up of the singles nightlife here. There are such distinct pick up bar districts with so many places to go in each, we really love when you can head out on foot and hit up many of the best places in town without needing to hop in a cab.

The main bar district for meeting single girls in Hanoi to hook up with would be Beer Corner aka Bia Hoi Junction located at Tạ Hiện and Lương Ngọc Quyến in the Old Quarter. We just posted a list of specific venues to party at, but all you really need to do is head to Beer Corner and find a place with lots of sexy women partying in your area.

Some of the above listed pick up bars can also be found around West Lake or in the French Quarter. The Old Quarter is the main area for singles nightlife and where most tourists stay, but those other two spots are also worth visiting.

There are also Ball Bars around, you will see places like Ball Bar 4 and Ball Bar 19. They can be very fun spots to party and are popular with the locals. However Vietnamese women are generally very sexually conservative, don’t expect to pick them up and get laid on the first night often.

If you are here during peak tourist season (November to March) there should be plenty of women from around the world traveling through who will be going out to hook up. It will be a lot easier to sleep with them than local girls. Most guys who visit this town will also be interested in our Ho Chi Minh City bar and club guide as well.

Meet Hanoi Girls During The Day

When it comes to day game the easiest thing you can do is head out in the touristy areas around Hoan Kiem Lake. If you are staying in the Old Quarter just go out on foot and look for some hot Hanoi girls to have a chat with.

The French Quarter is another area where there will be lots of foot traffic during the day. There are plenty of touristy things to do in that area and if you see a hot backpacker tag along with her or her group.

Some of the best malls in the city can be great for meeting women:

  • Hanoi Square
  • Trang Tien Plaza
  • Lotte Center
  • VIncom Center Ba Trieu

This country is loaded with cafes, you will see plenty of single women drinking a coffee by themselves. Smile at them and if they smile back go over and say hello.

Chat With Girls Online

Meet girls near you Hanoi singles nightlife bars Old Quarter

This is a notoriously hard country to get laid in, at least when you compare it to others in the region. Granted a single western man probably has an easier time of hooking up here than in his home country, but if you have just been somewhere like the Philippines you may consider this place a sex prison.

It really isn’t that bad though, it is just kind of hard to go out and meet girls in public. Vietnamese and foreigners don’t mingle together all that much in bars, clubs, or cafes.

You are going to need to make the first move, then you are going to have to cross your fingers that they can speak English which is doubtful. The good news is that plenty of Hanoi girls do have an interest in dating foreign men, and online dating on Vietnam Cupid can help you find that type of girl.

We have seen some other sites that claim that this dating site is full of horny women in your area who only sign up to sleep with foreign men tonight, hopefully you are smart enough to not believe that. Sure, there are some easy women out there on dating sites who want to get laid, but the majority are still pretty conservative.

The three date rule often applies, luckily we have a good guide for where to take them coming up. The main benefit of using Vietnam Cupid is that it just speeds up the entire meeting process.

Instead of going to a bar and trying to talk to a few girls you can message fifty Hanoi girls that are single in an hour online. If they reply you know they at least have some level of interest and you can proceed from there.

Where to get laid in Hanoi hook up with girls online

Hanoi Dating Guide

Now that we have covered our best places to meet single girls near you our Hanoi dating guide can become the main focus. Luckily if you are staying in the Old Quarter many of the best date spots in town will be nearby.

We have a nice list of romantic restaurants, bars, and places with live music that you can check out such as:

If you wanted to watch a live performance you could see the Water Puppet Theatre at 57b Đinh Tiên Hoàng or see a show at the Opera House at 01 Tràng Tiền. When looking for casual and cheap dates in Hanoi they won’t be hard to find, most entertainment in this country is very affordable.

Day Date Ideas

Need a date spot during the day? Just head to the French Quarter and visit all the cool touristy things to see in that area like the Imperial Citadel.

Or you could head to some great spots for natural beauty like:

  • Perfume Pagoda
  • Ba Vi National Park
  • Botanical Gardens
  • One Pillar Pagoda

Just stroll around the lake and enjoy the views. The Old Quarter has many cafes, restaurants, and touristy things to do so it won’t be hard to find some form of entertainment.

For a couple of more sophisticated options go to the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology or the Temple of Literature. If you prefer to visit a less touristy city in this country go see if the girls in Hai Phong or Da Nang are more interested in dating foreign men.

Tips For Tourists & New Expats

Now we have some travel and dating tips for any tourists or new expats who are reading this. One important thing to note is that in this country many hotels are not ‘girl friendly’ meaning if a guy checks in alone he may not be able to bring a female guest with him later on.

For that reason you should always book your hotel for two people and mention your girlfriend will be arriving later. If you only have one girl over through your stay that should work at most hotels, but if you are picking up new ladies at a bar each night then you may get stopped.

A couple of known girl friendly hotels in Hanoi are Calypso Premier Hotel at 27 Cua Dong Street and Bamboo Hotel at 32 Hang Be Street. Or there are numerous A25 hotels that are usually girl friendly.

You should probably confirm that women visitors will be allowed before you pay. As far as dating Hanoi girls goes it isn’t going to be very easy, particularly if you are on a short trip and can’t speak Vietnamese.

Learning the language will give you a leg up on most foreign men, but that is a lot of work. You will notice when you go out to pick up bars or on the streets that you don’t see the same level of mingling between locals and tourists as you do in other spots that many guys go to when trying to hook up with Asian girls.

Plenty of the Hanoi women near you are interested in foreign men, but it is hard to tell who is who. If you are on a short trip the other tourists will be a lot easier to hook up with, or use Vietnam Cupid to pipeline so that you can show up with dates lined up.

The good news is there are some very good singles nightlife districts and from November to March there will be plenty of people out partying and looking to get laid. Plus this is a very cheap country to visit, you get around 25k dong for every dollar as of our last update and those dong go a long way.

Just stay in Old Quarter so you are in the heart of the action and have a good time.

Enjoy Dating Hanoi Girls

We don’t mean to sound overly doom and gloom when it comes to the local girls. Vietnamese ladies are very attractive, you will walk past plenty of head turners when you are here.

Go over and say hello, some will be interested in having a chat. If you play your cards right you can get their number, invite them out on a date, and who knows where that will lead. Getting laid on the first night is pretty uncommon, though not unheard of.

More often you will need to wait til the second, third, or fourth date before they are ready to hook up. That is why pipelining online is so important if you are on a short trip, that way you can take them out on your first night and have a better chance of making something happen while you are in town.

Or if you are already here and can’t get anything going in the nightlife you can log on and set some dates up for the near future. That wraps up our best places to meet girls in Hanoi and our dating guide for men, enjoy yourself.

Hook up Hanoi women dating guide pick up bars

5 thoughts on “Best Places To Meet Girls In Hanoi & Dating Guide”

  1. The post misses an essential. Girls are the same the world over but in Vietnam forget inviting out at night. Girls are expected to be home. But when they are supposed to be at work during the day, that is a different matter.

  2. In Vietnam and especially in Hanoi (Saigon and Da Nang too) following rule applies:
    it’s easy if you are handsome and not too young or too old. Young girl still like 30-40 years old if you are good looking.
    I got hooked up many times on the first date. I am concidered as good looking in vietnam. If you are white and good looking its easy and an limitless amout of hot girls waiting for you in Hanoi 🙂


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