2024’s Best Clubs & Bars To Hook Up With Albuquerque Girls

Singles nightlife Albuquerque pick up girls get laid

If you are looking for the best places to meet girls in Albuquerque then we have all the info you desire. It won’t take us long to break down all the top spots to pick up local single women in your area including our favorite bars, nightclubs, malls, and other outside the box suggestions.

All of our guides begin with the nightlife, next we will cover meeting single Albuquerque girls during the day and how to speed things up by messaging women near you online. We also used to have an ABQ dating guide on this post but have moved all of that info over to that link to keep this one more focused on our favorite places for hooking up.

Nightclubs & Bars To Pick Up Albuquerque Girls

The best nightclubs and singles bars to pick up Albuquerque girls would be:

The singles nightlife here often tends to have more of a country western theme to it. A lot of guys complain about there not being any great nightclubs like you find in Vegas, but if you look at our nightlife and dating map below a huge chunk of the pinned venues are on Central Avenue stretching about 4 miles from downtown where you find Launchpad, Cake, and Effex out to Nob Hill to the East where O’Niell’s, Two Fools, and Zinc are located.

Many would tell you that Nob Hill is probably best for classy cocktails, not DJ’s and college crowds. Then a couple miles to the Northwest of downtown you find Old Town which is about a 10 or 15 minute drive from Nob Hill.

Outside of these three main nightlife areas that are all very close to each other the rest of our favorite places to party are pretty spread out stretching all the way North to Salt Yard West which is about a 20 minute drive from downtown.

Salt Yard has two locations, West is at 3700 Ellison Drive NW and East is at 6001 Osuna Road NE and they are two of our favorite places to go on a date night in addition to being good places to meet women. If you are traveling through town and hoping to hook up with Albuquerque girls just stay downtown on Central Ave, a well placed hotel will make it a lot easier to get laid.

Some of the music venues we listed in the live entertainment part of our date nights post we linked to earlier could also be great pick up spots depending on who is performing like The El Rey or Revel in particular.

Speaking of places where it is easier to get laid, go party with the sexy girls in Phoenix from ASU if you don’t like the scene here. Or for the best spring break party destination in the area you can try to go hook up at Lake Havasu.

Where To Meet Women During The Day

When trying to meet single Albuquerque women our favorite plan is to go to a mall or shopping district like:

  • Coronado Center
  • ABQ Uptown
  • Winrock Town Center
  • Williams Sonoma
  • Cottonwood Mall

The Old Town, downtown, and Nob Hill areas will also have some solid foot traffic walking by throughout the day. The Pool Bar at the Sandia Casino could be a place to check out, we love going there on busy holiday weekends or if they are throwing any big parties.

Meeting girls in your area during the day can work but it is usually a very slow process, our next section is more like speed dating in Albuquerque for the 21st Century.

Chat With Local Girls Online

Meet girls near you Albuquerque singles nightlife bars Nob Hill

The internet really has changed things when it comes to dating. Some guys still prefer to try and hook up through the traditional methods like going to a club or approaching a stranger on the street.

They certainly still have their own advantages, a true pick up artist usually uses all of the weapons at his disposal. From a speed and efficiency point of view there is no better value for your time then online dating.

The majority of the times we try to meet girls in Albuquerque near you during the day takes forever it feels like we waste a lot of time and often end up with nothing, nightlife can be better at times but not always. In this city the local nightlife for singles doesn’t offer up much at all sadly. But with online dating you can send out so many messages that you are bound to get some replies.

We all know about the best dating sites to meet our future bride, but since we are more interested in getting laid than in starting a serious relationship our favorite site to use is Adult Friend Finder. This site isn’t about trying to find your future wife, it is about hooking up as soon as possible.

As of our last check there were well over a hundred single women in New Mexico who had logged on to Adult Friend Finder over the last month. They all are signing up for this site for one reason, it might just be the same reason that makes you interested as well.

Where to get laid in Albuquerque hook up with girls online

Good Luck Hooking Up

This should be a pretty easy town for you to figure out, there is a distinct part of town for singles nightlife and some decent local bars to try and hook up with girls in your area at. If you have any more to share don’t hesitate to let us know in the comments below.

Also remember we have had lots of success contacting the single women near you on Adult Friend Finder who are always ready to get laid. That wraps up our best places to meet girls in Albuquerque with our dating guide, enjoy your time here.

Hook up Albuquerque women best singles bars nightclubs

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