Best Places To Meet Girls In Oklahoma City & Dating Guide

Singles nightlife Oklahoma City pick up girls get laid

If you are looking for the best places to meet girls in Oklahoma City and a dating guide then this is the right post for you. Five minutes from now you will know all about best spots to pick up single women near you and some of the best places for a romantic date around town.

We will begin with the best nightlife, if you want to try to meet single girls in Oklahoma City doing some partying after dark would not be a bad idea at all. Bricktown is the main area for singles nightlife and where people go to hook up, or in some cases just to see and be seen.

We will also talk about good places to try and meet women during the day and online dating will get its own section. In this day and age online dating could possibly be mentioned first, but we want to cover the other ways before we get there.

Once you know where to meet women our dating guide will kick into full gear. Getting a girl in your areas number is nice, but if you don’t know where to take her your chances for hooking up are pretty slim.

Don’t worry, there are many local romantic date spots and we will be mentioning the best from restaurants to cocktail bars to fun casual things to do during the day.

Nightclubs & Pick Up Bars

Some of the best singles bars and nightclubs to pick up girls in Oklahoma City are:

We covered this a bit already but the Bricktown area is the main singles nightlife district, if you want to party head there. It is always nice to have a lot of venues close to each other so you can walk from one to the next.

Deep Deuce also has plenty of singles bars to meet women in OKC and isn’t too far away. Try to get a hotel in this area of town if nightlife and hooking up are your main goals when here.

Heading down to party with college girls in Norman would not be a bad idea, or try and get laid in Tulsa at the Blue Dome Entertainment District.

Meet Oklahoma City Girls During The Day

Some guys love going to a loud nightclub so they can dance with sexy ladies. Others will prefer to try and pick up women in your area with conversation and day game might be best for that.

It takes more work and a different skill set, but it can have the same end result. If you want to try to meet Oklahoma City women during the day then shopping malls would be the easiest place, some of the biggest and best are:

  • Penn Square Mall
  • Quail Springs Mall
  • Northpark Mall
  • OKC Outlets
  • Sooner Mall

You will find some girls walking around Bricktown or Deep Deuce during the day, but they will be much better after dark.

Chat With Girls Online

Meet girls near you Oklahoma City singles nightlife bars Bricktown

We originally wrote this post in 2018 but update it a couple of times a year to keep our lists fresh. We would bet that more people meet and hook up thanks to dating sites than any other way currently.

Online dating is just so efficient, the speed that technology brings us these days is great. There are many good online dating sites out there if you want to find your soul mate, but what if you just want to get laid?

Not all guys like to lead a girl on, take a few dates, make her get feelings and then leave once the deed is done. But how can you find single women in Oklahoma City online who just want a physical relationship and not an emotional attachment?

Adult Friend Finder is a hook up site, not a dating site. It is meant for singles who want to have some fun but aren’t looking for anything serious at the moment and you can find quite a few women in Oklahoma using it at our last check, and thousands down in Texas.

We aren’t going to tell you that you will be banging models or have thousands of hot college girls in your area to choose from if you sign up. But there are some lookers, and Adult Friend Finder is always a good way to get laid.

Where to get laid in Oklahoma City hook up with girls online

Oklahoma City Dating Guide

That should cover the best places and ways to meet single women near you pretty well, now our Oklahoma City dating guide will try to help take you the rest of the way. Wine them, dine them, have a nice conversation and the rest should work itself out.

Some of the best romantic restaurants and cocktail bars for a date night would be:

If you don’t want all of the pressure to be on you during your date night bring your girl to a comedy show like you can find at:

Let someone else step on stage and perform for a bit so you can relax and enjoy yourself too. Another perfect Oklahoma City date night happens the second Friday of each month when the Live On The Plaza Art Walk is held.

Head here before you get some drinks and check out all the cool exhibits. And then you have live music or performance venues like:

Some of those can also be great places to pick up local women depending on the crowd on any given night.

Day Date Ideas

In some ways coming up with casual day date ideas can be harder, but in other ways they can be pretty easy. If the weather is nice head to spots like:

  • The Myriad Botanical Gardens
  • Martin Park Nature Center
  • Stinchcomb Wildlife Refuge
  • Arcadia Lake
  • OKC Zoo

For more sophistication on a date during the day try:

  • The Oklahoma City Museum of Art
  • Exhibit C Native Gallery
  • Artspace At Untitled
  • The Art Hall
  • Museum of Osteology
  • Science Museum Oklahoma

Then if you felt things were a bit too adult head to Dave & Buster’s after for beers and arcade games to lighten the mood. For a weekend getaway Dallas and Fort Worth are pretty close. Or head the opposite direction and check out Wichita.

Enjoy Dating Oklahoma City Girls

This isn’t a town that is known for thriving singles nightlife but there is a good local bar district in Bricktown and that is all you can really ask for. Having so many sexy girls around to try to hook up with in one small area is as good of a situation as you will find anywhere. In some of our guides to meeting singles in America things are more spread out making logistics a lot more difficult.

Also don’t forget about the women near you on Adult Friend Finder who aren’t looking for a ring, they can help you get laid if you find yourself in any dry patches. That wraps up our best places to meet girls in Oklahoma City and the dating guide, enjoy yourself.

Hook up with Oklahoma City women dating guide for men

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