Best Places To Meet Girls In Vancouver & Dating Guide

Singles nightlife Vancouver pick up girls get laid Granville

If you are looking for the best places to meet girls in Vancouver with a dating guide for this great city then you are in the right spot. This is one of the most beautiful places in North America with great natural scenery all around you.

It is also a very diverse city, you will find a nice mix of cultures and there are sexy women in your area from all around the world. Hipster would be another good way to define it in some ways, people from all over Canada move here, as do many people from the upper Northwest of the United States.

New people are coming into town all the time, and often times that means single girls move to Vancouver and don’t really know anyone. If you are friendly and offer to take them on a date many will say yes, partly because they want to get to know you and partly because they have nothing better to do.

There are a handful of good nightclubs and plenty of good singles bars near you that we will start out with. Picking up women who are out partying and looking to hook up is usually on most guys minds. We will also discuss some of the best spots for day game, and talk about a good online dating site you can use if you only care about getting laid.

After we mention the best places to meet girls our local dating guide will kick in. Romantic restaurants, casual bars, day dates, and cheap dates will all be mentioned. Once you finish reading this you should have all the info that you need.

Nightclubs & Pick Up Bars

The current ‘hot club’ can change often, but any of these should give you a solid chance of hooking up:

If instead you wanted to try to visit pick up bars to meet single Vancouver girls hit up spots like:

The main reason we start with the singles nightlife is pretty much because alcohol. It gives you more courage to try and pick up single women, and it makes the local Vancouver girls more likely to hook up as well. A win win from all angles.

If you are just visiting town it would probably be a good idea to rent a hotel near the best nightlife in the city if you hope to get laid. Some of the best areas for singles nightlife would be:

  • Granville Street
  • Yaletown
  • Gastown

That way you can have an easy transition back to your place if you find sexy women who want to hook up in your area. Or if you are drunk you can just walk home instead of trying to drive.

How does the nightlife here compare to Toronto? That link has the answer, and for a fun place to party in the middle of winter head to the ski resort town Whistler.

Meet Vancouver Girls During The Day

There are some very good spots to meet Vancouver girls during the day as well. Day game isn’t the easiest because it takes time, patience, and plenty of luck. But as always it is a numbers game and the more time you put into it the more hook ups you will get.

Of course the time of year that you visit will play a big role in where you should go. During the spring and summer this city is picturesque so try to be outside at places like the English Bay or the Vancouver Seawall.

Granville Street and Gastown also can be pretty good, look for girls near you that are walking around or that are sitting in cafes. If you are here when it is cold or rainy then you will need to move indoors. Robson Street has many shops and will have plenty of outdoor foot traffic, but if the weather is really bad head to:

  • Oakridge Center
  • Pacific Center
  • Metropolis at Metrotown
  • Kingsgate Mall
  • Park Royal

Chat With Girls Online

Meet girls near you Vancouver singles nightlife bars Gastown

If you want to chat with Vancouver girls online or some from all over British Columbia that can work very well also. Lets face it, online dating is just faster and easier, plus it can lead to the same end result.

Loud and crowded nightclubs with long lines and expensive cover charges aren’t for every one. Neither is walking around a mall or the English Bay for hours hoping to stumble past one horny girl when she just happens to be ready to get laid.

We are going to tell you about a way to find girls in Vancouver online who are looking to hook up. There are plenty of dating sites out there that can help you get into a serious relationship, but many guys aren’t really ready for that right now.

There are hundreds of single women in BC using Adult Friend Finder to get laid. If you know anything about this site then you know it is all about hooking up and casual sex, not getting tied down to a ball and chain.

People only sign up to Adult Friend Finder because they want to get laid, and if that sounds like you then join the like minded women in your area and give it a go.

Where to get laid in Vancouver hook up girls online

Vancouver Dating Guide

Now we have covered the best places to meet girls near you and will switch over to the best date spots in Vancouver. There certainly are no lack of options here, particularly when the weather is nice.

Lets begin with some good casual cheap dates that can be done during the day or early evening. Joffre Lake is one of the most beautiful places in the city, a long walk around the lake or a picnic would be great here.

The English Bay and Seawall are also both excellent spots, as is Lighthouse Park. One last option for the nature lovers is Capilano Suspension Bridge Park.

The Eastside Flea Market at 1024 Main Street has all sorts of interesting conversation starters, good street food, and plenty of cafes in the area. Or you could go play Jenga, eat waffles, and drink milkshakes at Off the Grid Waffles at 5943 Fraser Street.

Many Vancouver girls like to smoke weed, that is actually a big reason why some people move to this city. Long before medical marijuana cards were a thing there was a big and out in the open stoner community here.

You and your sexy date could visit one of the best pot clubs in the city like:

  • Marc Emery’s Cannabis Culture on 307 W Hastings
  • Karuna Health Foundation at 3636 W 4th Ave
  • Village Bloomery at Inner Courtyard, 206 – 1540 W 2nd Ave

Then head back to your place to smoke, watch Netflix, and ‘chill.’ For dating more mature local women head to museums and other interesting places like:

  • Vancouver Art Gallery
  • Rennie Museum
  • Beaty Biodiversity Museum
  • Museum of Vancouver
  • Morris & Helen Belkin Art Gallery
  • H.R. MacMillan Space Centre

Lastly, if your Vancouver girl is an animal lover take her to the Aquarium which has over 50,000 living beings from all around the world.

Romantic Restaurants & Cocktail Bars

Cheap date ideas Vancouver singles bars hook up

Now we will move things from the casual more towards the nicer romantic dates, or night time dates where you can more easily work some adult beverages into the mix. Some of the nicest romantic restaurants for a date in Vancouver are:

If you wanted to visit a casual bar for a cheaper dinner date try:

Bells and Whistles is also open during the day and has many games that you can play while you drink and hang out. Back and Forth Bar has ping pong tables so you have an activity to do if the conversation is lacking. The other three would be more on the romantic and adult side.

Back to the juvenile humor, why not check out a comedy club? That can take the pressure off you for a bit and let someone else entertain your date while you recharge your batteries. Right now our favorite comedy club here is The Comedy Mix at 1015 Burrard Street.

You can visit those links to see who will be performing on your date night. If you really hit it off with your girl and want to take her on a weekend vacation head up to Whistler during the winter. This is a great place to ski and party.

Other major Canadian cities are pretty far away, it would be a long flight to visit Calgary but it could be well worth it.

Enjoy Dating Vancouver Girls

That is about all of the info we’ve got, but there are many other options in this city. If you know of any good pick up bars or hot date spots feel free to leave them in the comments below.

Depending on what time of year it is you might have a ton of options, or you might be forced indoors. When it comes to trying to hook up with Vancouver girls just take a lot of shots, if you see an attractive one go for it and hope for the best. If you get her number or get her to spend some time with you right then that is great.

If not it is no big deal, you can just move on to the next one. It is always a numbers game, remember that and try to contact as many as you can. If you are in a slump and need to bust it hop on Adult Friend Finder where many local single women in your area are getting laid.

That wraps up our best places to meet girls in Vancouver and the dating guide, enjoy your time here.

Where to hook up in Vancouver get laid girls BC

4 thoughts on “Best Places To Meet Girls In Vancouver & Dating Guide”

  1. “Many girls in Vancouver like to smoke weed” That’s not true at all. Get your story right you’re painting Vancouveristes like a bunch of druggies.

    • You consider weed smokers druggies? Is it still the 1950’s? Many girls in Vancouver do like to smoke weed, just as they do all over Canada, the US, and many places in the world

      Try it, maybe you can relax and chill out a bit 😛

  2. if you want to pick up girls that are out on the prowl id suggest going to Granville st Warehouse. Hasting warehouse is good also but Granville st is where the action is at mostly. Greta bar is cool as well if you want to meet lots of cute girls as well as play some fun games!


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